10 thoughts on “Back from the market”

  1. Love it! The farmer’s market here is more than just buying food for me, it’s a place meet friends, to get inspired, to feel alive. Some people hate the crowded Saturdays, but I love it!

    I have a question for you: just heard a rumor today that a 3.9 student from NY state applied to grad school at University of TO and was rejected based on a new policy that limits the number of American students they have in a class.
    Do you know of any such policy? And if you do, is it really for Americans or foreign students in general?

  2. Hi Carla,

    There has been pressure from the government to increase the number of Canadian students and since departments get a certain funding from the government per student and that Canadian students get more of this piece, it is possible that different departments have had to come up with different formulas as to how many international students they can afford to take. But the difference is on whether the student is a domestic student (Canadian or permanent resident) or international (on a student visa). The university makes no difference on whether the student is American. It is worth noting that U of T also has a guarantee funding policy, which basically means that every single PhD student is fully funded for 5 years. That also has limited the number of PhD students departments can take in…


  3. oi , tudo bem ,estudo gestao comercial . e depois q termina pretendo fazer uma especializaçao no extrior pretendo fazer no canada gostaria de saber como devo dar entrada no papeis para fazer mestrado no canada , e quant sai tudo isso ,,, custo de vida emprego e muito dificil consequir ,,no canda se fala frances ou ingles

  4. Oi Alexandra, tudo bem?

    Adorei sua cestinha! Onde voce comprou?

    Eu tenho uma na frente, mas nao da conta quando vamos fazer compras.

    A sua parece ser um tamanho bom. Sao duas cestas?

  5. Alexandra,
    You look adorable on your bike full of produces, I know that still summer in Totonto but when winter arrives can you still ride your bike to the farmer’s market??? I am just curious!

  6. Sil,

    Many people cycle all through the winter here in Toronto but I’ll probably stop once it starts snowing. Snow removal is not that greatest in TO and I don’t feel like fighting it with the cars.

    We then switch to walking – we’re only about 20 min walk from the market so it’s not so bad. And if we have too much to carry, we can hop on the streetcar.

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