What kind of accent do you have?

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What American accent do you have? (Best version so far)Northern You have a Northern accent. That could either be the Chicago/Detroit/Cleveland/Buffalo accent (easily recognizable) or the Western New England accent that news networks go for. Personality Test Results
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Update: as you’ll see in the comments, it makes sense that I can across as from the Northern States or at least neutral since I did first learn English living in Washington state. But I was a bit bummed. I wanted to be Canadian! So I did the test once more and this is what I got:

Yay!!! I did the test again and I came out CANADIAN!!! I’m sooooooooo happy :)))




What American accent do you have?
Created by Xavier on Memegen.net



Canada. You probably get irritated when British people and Europeans think you’re from the States, but over here we wouldn’t make a mistake like that.

If you’re not Canadian, you’re either a Minnesotan, or you’re a Westerner who over-thought some of the questions on the quiz.

Take this quiz now – it’s easy!


We’re going to start with “cot” and “caught.” When you say those words do they sound the same or different?

Hehehe, I had been moaning for a bit about the test results and when I got this one today, Alan said “finally!”…. hehehe

That calls for this video (picture me doing a little dance around the room singing the song):

Author: guerson

Food-obsessed historian and knitter.

15 thoughts on “What kind of accent do you have?”

  1. This test is quite accurate!


    You’re not Northern, Southern, or Western, you’re just plain -American-. Your national identity is more important than your local identity, because you don’t really have a local identity. You might be from the region in that map, which is defined by this kind of accent, but you could easily not be. Or maybe you just moved around a lot growing up.”

    I went to grade school in Chicago, moved around, learned other languages. I am sure that what determines my accent for English being from 8 to 10 in Chicago.
    The region shown on the map is absolutely correct.

    Here’s the code:
    What American accent do you have? (Best version so far)NeutralYou’re not Northern, Southern, or Western, you’re just plain -American-. Your national identity is more important than your local identity, because you don’t really have a local identity. You might be from the region in that map, which is defined by this kind of accent, but you could easily not be. Or maybe you just moved around a lot growing up.Click Here to Take This QuizBrought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.

  2. well, it stands to reason… after all, I learned English living in Washington state so I’ve always known I have a northern north american accent. But I thought maybe some Canadian influences had rubbed on and I could pull off a Canadian result ;)

  3. I have no idea… sorry about that… wordpress has its own rules about who gets into the “spam” box and who doesn’t. Most of the time it is pretty accurate but once in a while it waitlists someone who shouldn’t be…

    I didn’t know you’ve lived in Chicago! Cool…

  4. Maybe… I don’t remember but considering I had my own child-size umbrella when I was 7 years old, I suppose it must have rained quite a bit. But we also had a lot of snow – it was near the mountains (we could see Mount Rainer from where we lived) and it was inland so probably a bit far from the effects of the ocean…

  5. The test is not that good! It didn’t notice my uggly Spanish accent!

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