Canadian identity

A recent poll conducted across the country had Pierre Trudeau, Niagara Falls, Canada Day, and the maple leaf as the most defining Canadian icons. I was happy to see the results as I really admire Trudeau as one of the last great political visionaries. He was smart, coherent, and spoke his mind clearly. This interview in the midst of the October Crisis is an example:

His first resignation:

Pride Weekend and Canada Day

Pride 2007The weekend promises to be quite full of activities to choose from. It’s Pride celebrations in our neighbourhood all weekend, which, as I said before, is an occasion I really enjoy. Sunday is the final for the European Cup (Spain vs Germany!) and then on Tuesday is Canada Day, and event marked by fireworks and many festivities by the waterfront. On top of all of that, I need to do at least five hours of database entry at some point between Saturday and Sunday. Busy times indeed.

Some reasons to like Pride.